Take the Lead - Confidently lead a high-performing team with C.A.R.E.

TAKE THE LEAD - STEMPeers Special Summer School

A quick recap of what you'll experience in the program:

  • 6 weeks to explore the type of leader you want to be based on 2 highly-validated assessments.
  • group coaching calls that will not only get you thinking but also moving to DO. THE. WORK.
  • Your leadership village: A community of savvy professionals who love their work and are ready to grow!

Propel your own career with leadership tools that actually work and group coaching through real-life scenarios!

This evidence-backed, interactive, no-yawn virtual course will help you:

👉 Increase your impact as a leader 

👉 Recognize and leverage the individual strengths of team players 

👉 Create trust and foster collaboration

Learn about the neuroscience of emotions, behavioral theory, personality theory, as well as situational leadership to:

👉 Understand your leadership style

👉 Learn through thought-provoking practice scenarios

👉 Dig deeper with your peers in group coaching calls

We will be meeting every Tuesday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (PST) starting on July 16th - August 20th

Contact information

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Order summary

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Take the Lead - Confidently lead a high-performing team with C.A.R.E.

TAKE THE LEAD! Confidently lead a high-performing team with C.A.R.E.

End your struggle with:
* motivating team members
* difficult conversations
* challenging performance reviews
* setting boundaries
* setting expectations
* generational differences

Propel your own career with leadership tools that actually work and group coaching through real-life scenarios!

This evidence-backed, interactive, no-yawn virtual course will help you:

👉 Increase your impact as a leader 

👉 Recognize and leverage the individual strengths of team players 

👉 Create trust and foster collaboration

Learn about the neuroscience of emotions, behavioral theory, personality theory, as well as situational leadership to:

👉 Understand your leadership style

👉 Learn through thought-provoking practice scenarios

👉 Dig deeper with your peers in group coaching calls

We will be meeting every Tuesday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (PST) starting on July 16th - August 20th

Total due $999

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

Still some burning questions? Call our support: ‪(858) 401 3466‬.

I want you to be successful with this program and make a positive change in your life. If within the first 30 days you feel like this is not working send me an email with your worksheets and I'll happily refund your money.