The Only Woman in the (Board)Room #IWD2021 - Lessons in Leadership with Christine Spadafor

In today’s episode in honor of International Women’s Day 2021, and my guest Dr. Christine Spadafor, take a look at what her Leadership journey has looked like. She has often been the only woman in the room and had to learn how to present herself so her ideas would be heard. As she shares, it took a conscious effort for her to work on her language, posture, and position in meetings over the years. Christine shares that she's torn about quota for board members who fill such a position might be regarded as a token and not a valued member of the board and what community expectations could do instead.
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We had to address the horrible effect the pandemic has had on women's careers with more than 2 million women leaving the workforce due to the pandemic's impact on a child and elderly care systems. #IWD #ChooseToChallenge
Sit back and relax while the kids get ready on their own! With my 4 Must-Have Checklists for Your Kids (So they feel empowered and you feel calm)
What we’re talking about…
- That there is power in taking the long road, our journey doesn’t have to be the shortest distance between two points
- That we have to consciously break through socialization patterns that don’t serve us
- Why we should always look for mentors and how to approach one
- How important it is to listen to feedback
- How others in our life might see our path more clearly
- That the way you position yourself for meetings has an influence on your impact
- How to show up dynamically and fill the space if you’re the only woman in the boardroom
- An approach to a diverse and inclusive board that is more powerful than the quota
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