The Leadership Flag

I’ve raised the leadership flag repeatedly in my life, yet felt like it wasn’t leadership if it didn’t come with a big paycheck, a name tag, and the status. I had the impression that you needed to be a Type A personality to lead. But, to those whom I guided through fundraising campaigns; to those whom I supervised on research projects; to those for whom I created experiences in nature, it damn right felt like I was a leader.
I was the one who created an opportunity for them to sign up and show up. I had put time and energy into making things happen. I was there for them when they needed it the most. I created a safe space where not only would we get work done, but where we also listened to each other, laughed, shared stories, and found support.
Over the years I’ve gotten bolder with my leadership: true to myself, my goals, and boundaries.
I wasn’t brought up to be a leader. I wasn’t expected to become a leader. My childhood was more about following the rules and submitting to the hierarchy. I never felt up to par and some people around me confirmed this belief. Yet from a young age, I had the urge to break out of this mold. I was considered a rebel by most. I got into trouble a few times for not following rules that didn’t make sense to me. At times, I felt oppressed. Only a few people saw me for who I really was. And I am grateful they did. They changed my life.
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