

TAKE THE LEAD! Confidently lead a high-performing team with C.A.R.E.

Propel your own career with leadership tools that actually work and group coaching through real-life scenarios!

This evidence-backed, interactive, no-yawn virtual course will help you:

👉 Increase your impact as a leader 

👉 Recognize and leverage the individual strengths of team players 

👉 Create trust and foster collaboration

Learn about the neuroscience of emotions, behavioral theory, personality theory, as well as situational leadership to:

👉 Understand your leadership style

👉 Learn through thought-provoking practice scenarios

👉 Dig deeper with your peers in group coaching calls

Create a Family Culture Where Everyone Thrives


Empower your family to come together as a team and create a more independent, confident and loving family in 1 hour per week with the Family Meetings Blueprint.

A short Video with a Workbook to help you... 

✔  Confidently conduct family meetings with themed templates 

✔  Follow a proven meeting structure

✔  Shift the mood from bossy to collaborative 

✔  Increase your family's desire to participate and contribute

✔  Templates to identify and track your individual and family goals 

✔  Discover how to bring back joy into your family life

Get Your Time Back and Create Space for what Matters to You Most


Are you constantly being approached to give your time and have a hard time saying 'No'? Your kid's school needs volunteers, then there is the fundraiser for their extracurriculars, and even at work you're asked to organize a Happy Hour. If you feel like it's too much and you need to put an end to it, this 5 Step Process to defining your 'No' is crucial.
Are You Tired of Feeling Taken Advantage Of? Ace Your Boundaries with the Guilt-Free 'NO' Guide