Work-Life Flow Podcast

psychological wellbeing

Healing The Next Generation through Trauma Resolution in Motherhood with Christa Bevan

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Today’s episode is all about trauma and our response to it. Christa helps us understand the difference between big T and little t trauma and why we should never discount a traumatic experience. She shares what TRE is and why it helps resolve trauma. We explore why attachment parenting could actually be bad for moms and what to do instead. Lastly, Christa shares her key steps to creating a work-life integration that works for her.

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What we’re talking about…

  • Wh…

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The Road to Intentional Fatherhood with Chris Hanlon

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In today’s episode, Chris shares how he created a program for dads who want to live fatherhood with more presence. He noticed that many dads wanted to feel more connected and be more involved in the preparation for the baby's arrival. We explore why dads often feel left behind throughout pregnancy and the early years and what to do about it. 

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What we’re talking about…

  • How the partners can be the emotional buffer and bring a sense of calm
  • Why we need to talk…

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 Find Your Flow: Work-Life Integration for Busy Moms


Being a mom is the best, they say. Enjoy it while it lasts, they say. But how can you enjoy running the household, doing the groceries, the cooking, the cleaning, the finances, all the volunteer work for school (because you know you’ll be expected to do it), all the communications around school, planning the extracurriculars and then driving your kids to and fro', making snacks so they won’t go hungry between school and sports, planning the camping weekends, attending birthday parties? All the…

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Dress in Less - How to Build Your Individualized Capsule Wardrobes as a Busy Mom with Kim Hancher

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Today’s episode is about how to take out the stress of getting dressed with a simplified wardrobe. Kim is on a mission to help moms feel their best by dressing true to their style. Oftentimes we feel frustrated with what to wear and how to dress. She walks us through the basic pieces of a capsule wardrobe and how to build it. Her approach is to reduce your wardrobe to pieces you love and make your eyes glow! 

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What we’re talking about…

  • The concept of a capsul…

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The Only Woman in the (Board)Room #IWD2021 - Lessons in Leadership with Christine Spadafor

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In today’s episode in honor of International Women’s Day 2021, and my guest Dr. Christine Spadafor, take a look at what her Leadership journey has looked like.  She has often been the only woman in the room and had to learn how to present herself so her ideas would be heard.  As she shares, it took a conscious effort for her to work on her language, posture, and position in meetings over the years. Christine shares that she's torn about quota for board members who fill such a position might be r…

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A group picture and the need to learn to embrace ourselves with Tiffany Clarke

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In today’s episode with Tiffany Clarke, we talk about how important it is to embrace the person you are right now and take decisions from a place of possibility. Tiffany urges us to listen to our small voice and make it part of our life.

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She shares how she leads her family taking into account the different personalities of each family member, their changing needs, and that they make decisions to find the best solution for the time they are in.

Sit back and re…

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With a Vision Anything is Possible, even in the Midst of Motherhood with Tracy Nolin Beerman

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Today’s episode is a deep-dive into the journey from “Mom-nesia”, as Tracy calls it, to reconstructing your true self. Tracy shares her FAB framework she uses to help moms rediscover themselves and live richer lives and surprisingly it touches on a lot of leadership concepts. 

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We also explored the possibility that our societal expectations and schooling might be the reason why we don’t know who we are until we start peeling back these layers and are brave enoug…

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Finding Myself Through the Transformation of Motherhood

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Today I wanted to share part of my journey to becoming who I am today. Here, I want to focus on some key moments that helped me find my voice and I hope they’ll inspire you to embrace your transformation.   

I learned that through losing myself in motherhood, I created the space to truly find myself. And I wish the same for you: Embrace the change. Take time to truly heal. Approach the new YOU with curiosity. And when you BECOME YOUR true self, celebrate every minute of it.

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Making Mom Friends and our Need for Deep, Meaningful Connection with Emily Siegel

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Today’s episode is all about how to find fierce friends, nurture these relationships and create more work-life integration in doing so. Emily shares her thoughts on what true friendship means, and how to find these meaningful friendships we all crave. She shares how she has built up a village of friends from scratch through two trans-country moves and gives some great advice for how to strike up the first conversation with a stranger to creating an opportunity for connection without coming off c…

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The Relationship with Self in the Transition to Motherhood with Elle Starr Smith

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Today’s episode is all about how we moms can make sure to not lose ourselves with the onset of motherhood. Elle shares her coaching approach to creating a meaningful and fulfilled life without shortchanging yourself in the process. We chat about how important it is to feel whole and to make space for the person we were before kids in order to integrate that into the new season of life.

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Sit back and relax while the kids get ready on their own! With my 4 Must-Hav…

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